Українськомовне книговидання в Тернополі 20–30-х років ХХ століття в умовах посилення утисків та цензурних обмежень
DOI:Ключові слова:
видавнича справа, книготоргівля, автор, видавець, видавництво, бібліотека, репертуар, ТернопільАнотація
У статті простежено діяльність видавництв Тернополя у 20–30 роки ХХ століття, їх нелегку боротьбу з цензурними обмеженнями, за утвердження українського друкованого слова.Посилання
Lystuvannia z povitovym starostvom pro tsenzuru dramatychnykh tvoriv [Correspondence with the county parish on the censorship of dramatic works]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 231, O. 1, №1463, Sh. 32 (in Polish).
Shchomisiachni raporty povitovykh starostv pro periodychnu presu na terytorii povitiv Ternopilskoho voievodstva [Monthly reports of county parishes on periodical press in the territories of the Ternopil Voivodeship counties]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 231, O. 1, №1464, Sh. 8 (in Polish).
Lystuvannia z Ministerstvom vnutrishnikh sprav Polshchi i povitovymy starostvamy Ternopilskoho voievodstva pro perevirku tsenzuroiu drukovanykh vydan ta nahliadi nad drukarniamy na terytorii voievodstva [Correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland and the district authorities of the Ternopil Voivodship on checking the censorship of printed publications and overseeing the printing houses in the territory of the voivodship]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 231, O. 1, №1744, Sh. 154 (in Polish).
Informatsiia pochtovoho i telehrafnoho upravlin pro konfiskatsiiu okremykh drukovanykh vydan, hazet i zhurnaliv [Information of postal and telegraphic departments on confiscation of separate printed matter, newspapers and magazines]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 275, O. 1, №218, Sh. 18 (in Polish).
Rozporiadzhennia Ternopilskoho starostva ta slidchoho viddilu pro konfiskatsiiu okremykh vydan, chasopysu «Siaivo» i zaborona podalshoho vydannia [Order of the Ternopil Starostoy and Investigation Department on the confiscation of certain editions, the magazine «Siavo» and the prohibition of further publication]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 275, O. 1, №461, Sh. 16 (in Polish).
Lystuvannia z povitovymy starostvamy i orhanamy politsii pro konfiskatsiiu deiakykh periodychnykh vydan [Correspondence with the county parishes and the police about the confiscation of some periodicals]. Ternopil: State Archive of the Ternopil region, F. 231, O. 1, №1151, Sh. 39 (in Polish).
Bilianskyi, M. (1928). Arendar v klopoti: narodna komediia v 4 diiakh [Artist in trouble: folk comedy in 4 acts]. Lviv; Ternopil; New-York: Publishing house «Podil Theatrical Library», p. 36 (in Ukrainian).
Boitsun, L. (2003). Ternopil u plyni lit: istoryko-kraieznavchi zamalovky [Ternopil during years: historical lore sketches]. Ternopil: Dzhura, p. 392 (in Ukrainian).
Vynohradnyk, T. (2004). Velykoi pravdy Uchytel [Great Truth Master]. Sniatyn: PrutPrynt, p. 128 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (2002). Vidpovid Ministra Spravedlyvosti u Varshavi vid 24 sichnia 1935 roku na interpoliatsiiu posla Stepana Barana i posliv Ukrainskoho Klubu [Answer by the Justice Minister in Warsaw on January 24, 1935, on the interpolation of Ambassador Stepan Baran and Ambassadors of the Ukrainian Club]. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 2). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, pp. 274–276 (in Ukrainian).
Halushko, M. (2005). Ukrainski chasopysy Ternopolia i Ternopilshchyny kintsia XIX — pershoi tretyny XX st.: stanovlennia, osnovni pokaznyky y tematyko-typolohichni aspekty rozvytku [Ukrainian magazines of Ternopil and Ternopil region at the end of the 19th — the first third of the 20th century: formation, main indicators and thematic-typological aspects of development]. Lviv: Vol. 13, pp. 11–20 (in Ukrainian).
Drozdovska, O. (2003). Zhurnal «Char-Zillia» (1927–1928 rr.): kontseptualni problemy y zasoby yikh realizatsii [Magazine «Char-Zillia» (1927-1928): conceptual problems and means of their realization]. Ukrainska periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist: dopovidi ta povidomlennia vosmoi Vseukrainskoi naukovo-teoretychnoi konferentsii [Ukrainian periodicals: history and modern times: reports and the message eighth All-Ukrainian Theoretical scientific conference]. (M. M. Romaniuk, Ed.). Lviv: pp. 133–145 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (2002). Interpoliatsiia posla Stapana Barana do Ministra Spravedlyvosti u Varshavi vid 11 hrudnia 1934 r. [Interpolation of Ambassador Stepan Baran to the Minister of Justice in Warsaw on December 11, 1934]. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 3). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, pp. 268–274 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (2002). Lyst Vasylia Semchyshyna i Andriia Chaikivskoho do Okruzhnoho Sudu vid 18 kvitnia 1929 r. [Letter from Vasyl Semchyshyn and Andriy Chaykovskyi to the District Court on April 18, 1929]. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 3). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, pp. 240–242 (in Ukrainian).
Lukianenko, S. (2003). Ukrainske pytannia v natsionalnii politytsi Polshchi (1921–1939 rr.) [The Ukrainian question in the national politics of Poland (1921–1939)]. Natsionalno-derzhavne vidrodzhennia slovianskykh narodiv Tsentralno-Skhidnoi Yevropy kriz pryzmu 85-richchia [National-state revival of the Slavic people of Central and Eastern Europe through the prism of the 85th anniversary]. (Vol. 3). Ternopil: TDPU, 158–161 (in Ukrainian).
Lutskyi, O. (2002). Ukrainska lehalna presa Zakhidnoi Ukrainy 20–30-kh rr. XX st.: umovy y osnovni pokaznyky rozvytku [Ukrainian legal press of Western Ukraine of the 20–30’s of the 20th century: conditions and basic indicators of development]. Ukrainska periodyka: istoriia i suchasnist: dopovidi ta povidomlennia somoi Vseukrainskoi naukovoi-teoretetychnoi konferentsii [Ukrainian Periodicals: History and Modernity: Reports and Messages of the Seventh All-Ukrainian Scientific and Theoretical Conference]. (M. M. Romaniuk, Ed.). Lviv: pp. 149–155 (in Ukrainian).
Martynevych, V. (1932). Z tamtoho svita: komediia v trokh diiakh [From there the world: comedy in three acts]. Lviv; Ternopil; New-York: Antique bookstore of Lesya Ukrainka in Ternopil; A. Salevych’s printing house, p. 37 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (2002). Pysmovyi tekst vystupu d-ra Andriia Chaikovskoho na yavnomu protsesi V Okruzhnomu Sudi v Ternopoli u chervni 1929 r. [Written statement by Dr. Andriy Tchaikovsky in an explicit process In the District Court in Ternopil in June. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 3). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, pp. 243–264 (in Ukrainian).
Richynskyi, A. (1933). Problemy ukrainskoi relihiinoi svidomosti [Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness]. Volodymyr-Volynskyi–Ternopil: Salevych’s printing house, p. 284 (in Ukrainian).
Richynskyi, A. (1933). Problemy ukrainskoi relihiinoi svidomosti [Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness]. Volodymyr-Volynskyi–Ternopil: Salevych’s printing house, p. 280 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (2002). Rishennia Okruzhnoho Sudu v Ternopoli vid 9 sichnia 1929 r. pro zatverdzhennia konfiskatsii knyzhky A. Chaikivskoho «Do slavy» [The decision of the District Court in Ternopil on January 9, 1929, on the approval of the confiscation of A. Tchaikovsky’s book «To Glory»]. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 3). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, p. 242 (in Ukrainian).
Svarnyk, H. (2002). Sprava konfiskatsii istorychnoi povisti Andriia Chaikovskoho «Do slavy» [Case of confiscation of Andriy Tchaikovsky’s historical story «To Glory»]. (B. Z. Yakymovych, Z. T. Hren & O. V. Sedliar, Eds.). (Vol. 3). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Scientific library, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych’s Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Scientific Foundation of Andrii Chaikovskyi, pp. 237–276 (in Ukrainian).
Sosnovskyi, M. (1960). Ukrainske hospodarske zhyttia v Ternopoli [Ukrainian economic life in Ternopil]. Shliakhamy Zolotoho Podillia [Ways of the Golden Podillya]. (S. Konrad, Ed.). Philadelphia: pp. 87–98 (in Ukrainian).
Spysok tsenzurovanykh ukrainskykh pies, dozvolenykh vladoiu do vystavy [List of censored Ukrainian plays allowed by the authorities to perform] (1929). Lviv: «Tovarystvo Prosvita», p. 38 (in Ukrainian).
Strupka, M. (1983). Yakiv Kosovskyi (1899–1975) [Yakiv Kosovskyi (1899–1975)]. Shliakhamy Zolotoho Podillia. Ternopilshchyna i Skalatshchyna: regionalnyi istorychno-memuarnyi zbirnyk [Ways of the Zolotoho Podillia. Ternopil Oblast and Skalatskaya: Regional Historical Memoir Collection]. (Vol. 3). Philadelphia; Paris; New-York; Sydnei; Toronto: p. 659 (in Ukrainian).
Ternopilskyi Entsyklopedychnyi Slovnyk [Ternopil Encyclopedic Dictionary] (2005).(Vol. 2). Ternopil: Zbruch, p. 659 (in Ukrainian).
Chaikovskyi, A. (1929). Do slavy: istorychna povist. Chastyna 1 [To glory: historical tale. Part 1]. Ternopil: Publishing house «Char-zillia», printing house «Pospishna», p. 280 (in Ukrainian).
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Shcho chytaty?: shchokvartalnyk [What to read?: quarterly] (1928–1929). (V. Paliiv, Ed.). Lviv: Bookstore of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (in Ukrainian).
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